Anna Sidler Hegetschweiler was born in 1847 in Ottenbach, Switzerland. She was a daughter of Anna Sidler. She never knew her father.
When Anna H. was twelve years old she came to America with her mother, both of them having joined the Church in Switzerland. It took about six weeks to cross the ocean on the Underwriter. After arriving at Iowa City, they were fitted out with handcarts and traveled the 1,300 miles to Salt Lake City on foot pulling their cart. Anna H. often spoke of her bare feet bleeding and bruised from the rough roads. They arrived in the Salt Lake area in 1860.
Anna Sidler (her mother) married Labrech Bar and gave birth to a baby sister in 1861. The family joined a cult headed by Joseph Morris who moved into Kingston Fort, now called South Weber. The sect numbered five or six hundred. Some wanted out of the order but were captured by Morris and imprisoned in Kingston Fort. A written message was sent into the fort calling upon Morris to surrender the prisoners. Morris returned with a "revelation" forbidding them to yield to the demands of the posse, promising them not one of his faithful followers should be destroyed. The members of the fort assembled, the "revelation" was read, but before it could be discussed a cannon ball crashed into the fort, killing her mother, Anna Sidler Bar and her new baby sister. Anna H. then fourteen years old had to pick up the bones of her mother and half sister.
Her new stepfather returned to Switzerland for a time and now left alone, without relatives or friends, Anna H. married Samuel Stone and had a son. This put Anna in a polygamous marriage. Samues Stone was already married to Hanna Rachel Stones. Unfortunately Mr. Stone drank and was not kind to her, so she left him. Anna married Jacob Bachman a widower who was left with 7 small children after the death of his first wife. The newlyweds and 8 children lived in a one-room log house enduring all the hardships of pioneer life. Anna and Jacob had four children of their own including Emma in 1887. Anna H. died at 73 in 1921, in Los Angeles California and is buried in Eden, Utah next to her husband Jacob.
Anna in the Pioneer Heritage
Underwriter, the ship Anna Hegetschweiler came over on
1860 wagon train, this is Anna Hegetschweiler's wagon train
Labrech AutobiograhyAnna and Jacob Bachman had the following four children:
Joseph Bachman. born 8 Feb 1868, married Margaret Howard McBride, 8 Dec 1890, died 9 May 1940
Annie Bachman born 9 Aug 1870, married William Ingles b 17 June 1862, Glasgow, Scotland, 25 Mar 1904, died 14 Aug 1926 newfamsearch: (marriage date, 10 March 1901) (married Jeanette Hiatt 1863 - 1940, marriage 1884, Huntsville he was 22, she was 21.)
John Rudolf Bachman born 19 Oct 1876, Married Nellie Fordham, 1900, Emma Sewell and Helen Ellsworth, died 11 Apr 1944
Emma Scholl (full history) born 5 Dec 1887, married George Scholl, 25 May 1915, died 12 Oct 1969
Note: Cannons, cults and children don't mix. As the story goes Emma's grandmother joined a cult in Weber, Ut. In 1862 things got out of control and Emma's grandmother and aunt (who was a child) were killed when a cannon ball came crashing into the fort. Strange. More strange is that
afterwards Emma's mother was taken care of by the very man who ordered the cannon fired. This week I found verification of this story in a book called Our Pioneer Heritage, vol 2, by Kate B. Carter, first edition published in 1959. Here is the full published story by Emma
Anna with her granddaughter Audrey about 1918:
![]() |
Anna Hegetschweiler 1912, Portland Oregon |
Arch, Dorothy Stone:
Salt Lake Tribune May 14, 1954:
It cost Anna Hegetschweiler and her mother Anna Sidler and aunt Susannah Sidler 12 pounds to come across the Atlantic on the Underwriter. How much money was that to them?
Rent was also a more substantial component of most people’s budgets than it is today. Two pence a night would get you a shared bed in a cheap lodging house, while an inexpensive unfurnished room could cost 1s. 4d. per week. In order to gain a settlement, however, one needed to rent a house for £10 per year.
In the last decades of the nineteenth century William Booth estimated that a working family needed an income of at least 18s. to 21s. a week, or around £50 a year, just to get by, and 22s. to 30s. a week (£57 -£78 per annum) to be "comfortable".
The Nation Archives said that 12 pounds would be $841 in today's money.
The Nation Archives said that 12 pounds would be $841 in today's money.
Petition for a
Bill of Divorce
Anna Stone
Samuel Stone
Filed August 17, 1866
Territory of Utah
County of Weber
Probate Court for said
County, Special Term
August AD 1866 Hon H F Fara
judge in Divorce
Anna Stone
Samuel Stone
One this 18th day
of August AD 1866 before the aforesaid Court causes the said plaintiff and
petitioners for a bill of divorce against the said Samuel Stone, he has bond for
the following causes to wit - his not supporting her as a husband should or ought
to, according to his means and on account of his quarrelsome nature, and his
abuse, having slapped her and threatened to whip her, all of which causes have
turned her feelings against him and made her unhappy. Your petitioner therefore pray that a bill of
divorce be granted that her peace and happiness may be restored. Your petitioner would further pray that his
child by him be awarded her.
Sworn to Gerbersibed Anna Stone
The day said year
Above written
W Thompson Clk,
Author Unknown (probably Emma)
Anna Hegetschweiler Stone Bachman was born the 29th of September 1847 in Ottenbach, Canton Zuerich, Switzerland. She was the daughter of Jacob Hegetschweiler and Anna Sidler. She never knew her father. She and her mother lived with her mother's parents, Johannes and Susanna Sidler.
Anna's mother, Anna Sidler was born the 17th of March, 1827, a daughter of Johannes Sidler and Susanna Jenta. She had two sisters, Barbara, born the 18th of March 1825 and Susanna, born the 3rd of December 1832. Her father died when she was seven years old. Her mother died in 1858.
Mormon missionaries came to Ottenbach about this time. Anna Sidler and her daughter Anna, also her sister Susanna Sidler accepted the teachings of the Elders and were baptized.
Friday, the 30th of March 1860, Anna Sidler, her daughter Anna Hegetschweiler and her sister Susanna Sidler, sailed from Liverpool, on the ship Underwriter. This was the 107th company of church immigrants. There were 594 souls on the ship. Seventy of them were from Switzerland. The far was $4.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. Elder James D. Ross was president of the company. His Counsellors were James Taylor and John Croft. Captain Roberts was in charge of the ship. They arrived in New York the first of May 1860. On the 3rd of May they continued their journey from New York to Florence, Nebraska.
They left Florence, Nebraska the 17th of June 1860, on the second wagon train of immigrants in that year, led by Captain James D. Ross. The company consisted of 249 persons, 36 wagons, 142 oxen and 54 cows.
Anna and her mother walked most of the way crossing the plains, as the wagons were heavily loaded. They were bare-footed most of the time, their shoes having worn out. Their feet were often bleeding and bruised from the rough roads. But they had a pleasant journey, as there were so many Saints from switzerland in the Company. They were called together by Elder Ross mornings and evenings. They always prayed before starting on their day's journey. At camping time in the evenings they sang songs and sometimes held a meeting, rested on the Sabbath day.
When they arrived in Emigration Canyon they were met by Apostles George A. Smith, Lorenzo Snow and Franklin D. Richards, who held an interesting meeting with the immigrants. They were so happy to meet these Apostles. They arrived in Great Salt Lake the 3rd of September 1860.
Anna Sidler met Labrecht Baer, a Swiss man, on the ship coming to America. They were married soon after they arrived in Utah. They moved to South Weber, near the mouth of Weber Canyon. In 1861 Anna Sidler Baer gave birth to a baby girl. Her daughter Anna was happy to have a baby sister. But great sorrow soon came into her life.
A Welshman, Joseph Morris, got a band of followers in South Weber. The Bishop of the Ward, Richard Cook was one of them. Elders John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff of the Council of the Twelve, were sent to South Weber Ward. A meeting of the members of the Ward was held the 11th of February 1861. Bishop Cook and fifteen others who declared their belief in Morris were excommunicated. On the 6th of April 1861, Joseph Morris became the head of a new church, with Richard Cook and John Banks as Counsellors. The Morrisites held their property in common. They located at "Kington Fort." They increased rapidly and soon numbered over 300 and before the breaking up of the community that number was increased to between five and six hundred.
Labrecht and Anna Sidler Baer, her daughter Anna Hegetschweiler, the baby sitter and Susanna Sidler, who had only been in Utah a year and who could not yet speak or understand the English language, followed the Bishop Richard Cook and were in Kington Fort.
Soon some of Morris's followers desired to withdraw from the united order and take what they had consecrated to the common fund. Several of these dissenters were captured and imprisoned at Kington Fort. Two of the prisoners were John Jenson and William Jones.
The 10th of June 1862, Chief Justice Kinney issued a second writ of habeas corpus, demanding the release of these men, also a warrant for the arrest of Morris, Cook and Banks. Those writs were placed in the hands of sheriffs Robert T. Burton and Theodore McKean.
Acting governor of the territory, Frank Fuller called out several companies of the militia to aid the deputy sheriffs as a posse, 150 being sent from Salt Lake County and 100 from Davis County. Besides these, a great many people gathered in the vicinity of the expected conflict.
Arriving on the heights that overlook the little valley in which Kington Fort was located a written message addressed to Morris, Banks and Cook was sent into the fort, calling upon them to surrender themselves and the prisoners, and urging them to remove the woman and children within the fort. Morris withdrew to his dwelling and soon returned to his assembled followers with a revelation forbidding them to yield to the demands of the posse and promised them not one of his faithful people should be destroyed. The people of the fort assembled, the "revelation" was read, but before it could be discussed, a cannon ball crashed into the fort, killing Anna Sidler Baer and her baby girl. Her daughter, Anna Hegetschweiler, now a fourteen year old girl, picked up the bones of her mother and baby sister. The confusion in the fort was great, until ex-Bishop Richard Cook advised all to go to their homes and each man protect himself and his family as best as he could. General Robert T. Burton, commander of the posse, ordered the surrender of all men bearing arms in the fort. They refused upon the advise of Morris. General Burton ordered his posse to fire. He himself shot Joseph Morris. John Banks was also shot and died during the night. The rest of the men were arrested and later tried and sentenced to imprisonment.
Labrecht Baer and his wife's sister, Susanna Sidler returned to their native land, Switzerland.
After picking up the bones of her mother and baby sister, Anna Hegetschweiler was taken care of by General Robert T. Burton. She was now fourteen years of age. She was now all alone in Utah, without relatives or friends. She worked to earn her living. She worked at Bishop Chauncey West's and in other homes until she was seventeen. The 4th of February 1865 she was married to Samuel Stone. He was born the 8th of February 1840 in Eastwood, Nottingham England. They were married in Salt Lake City in the Endowment House by Elder Wilford Woodruff. Her first child, William Henry Stone was born the 14th of September 1865 in Wilson Lane. Anna's life with Samuel Stone was very unhappy, as he drank and was not kind to her. Finally she left him and with her baby in her arms, she walked to Marriott, where Theresa Marriott gave her a home.
Later Anna went to Ogden Valley and while there she met Jakob Bachmann. They were both from Switzerland. Jakob's wife Elizabetha had died November 1866, leaving him with eight children, the oldest twelve years and the youngest a baby. Anna had divorced her husband, Samuel Stone. On the 27th of April 1867 she was married to Jakob Bachmann in the Endowment House, President Heber C. Kimball performed the marriage.
Jakob was seventeen years older than Anna. Anna's son, William Henry Stone, was now nineteen months old. Elizabeth's children were Maria, thirteen years old, Verena, ten, Jakob, eight, Elizabetha, seven, Emuel, six, Rosella, three, Bertha, two and Alma, six months old. Alma had been given to Alma Taylor at three days old. Jakob and his children were living in a one-room log house in Eden. So Anna and her son William moved in the log cabin. There were bunks in the north end of the cabin where they all slept. The benches and stools were home-made. They scrubbed the pine floors with sand. There was also a cellar.
The house was on a five-acre plot of ground. A school house, which was also used as a chapel was later built on the adjoining land on the south. The winters were very cold, the thermometer sometimes being 40 degrees below zero and snow covering the ground to a depth of six feet. They could raise no fruit except currants, berries, plums and a few apples. Their vegetables often froze before maturity. Their principal crops were alfalfa and wheat.
Anna had never been raised with other children. In her home in Switzerland she lived with her grand-mother and grand-father, her mother and her two aunts. So it was a new experience for her to be in a home with eight children. They had to endure many hardships. Their crops were often destroyed by grass-hoppers. Sometimes they were so short of food they had to dig sego roots. They were often molested by Indians.
As soon as he could Jakob got some cows. He built a barn south of the house. He later bought a farm and raised grain and alfalfa. He also bought some dry farm land and pasture land about two miles southwest of his home. He later had twenty cows. Anna had to work hard.
One of their neighbors was the Eccles family. A son, David, who was worth thirty millions at the time of his death was a frequent visitor at their house. He and Jakob walked over the mountains to Ogden and carried home some flour and molasses on their backs.
The 8th of February 1868, Anna gave birth to her second son, Joseph. Jakob's older girls had gone to other homes to work, so Anna was alone with the little children. Kind neighbors came in when they could spare time from their own large families.
The 19th August 1870 Anna gave birth to her third child, Annie. She was all alone with the little children and did not even have a match to light a candle.
In November 1874, Jakob's oldest daughter, Maria, died at the age of twenty. This caused the family great sorrow.
The 19th of October 1875, Anna gave birth to her fourth child, John Rudolf. She nursed him until he was three years old. He was healthy and grew up to be a handsome lad.
Jakob was now able to build a four room frame house, two rooms upstairs and two rooms and a pantry on the first floor. The house is now owned by a grandson, Gainer Bachmann. He and his wife Rhea live in it. A front room, porch and bathroom have been added. A chapel has been built a block south of the house. The ditch of irrigation water still runs on the north.
The log house was now used for a milk house, as Anna made butter. They had twenty cows. The milk was put in pans and the cream was skimmed off and churned in a large round wooden churn. The butter was molded in a pound mold and Jakob took it to Ogden and traded it for other food.
Anna was forty years old the 28th of September 1887. Soon after her birthday she had pneumonia and developed asthma and chronic bronchitis which remained with her the remainder of her life.
The 5th of December 1887 Anna gave birth to her fifth and last child, Emma Josephine. This child was not strong as the other children, and she was sick a great part of her life.
On the 6th of March 1889, Rosilla Ferrin, Elizabetha's daughter died at the birth of her first child. Another great sorrow came to the family on Christmas day 1890 when Alma, the youngest of Elizabetha's nine children died, at the age of twenty-four.
In 1901 Jakob and Anna sold their home and the farm land in Eden and moved to Ogden. Anna had spent thirty-five years of her life in Eden. Eden was settled in 1865. The first school house was built in Eden in 1866. Richard Ballentyne was the Presiding Elder. In 1877 Eden was organized into a Ward. Anna Bachman was re-baptized on the 5th of May 1877 by Peter Johnson. The Bishops of Eden were Josiah M. Ferrin 1877-1881, John Farrell 1881-1883, David McKay 1883-1885, Josiah M. Ferrin (2nd term) 1885-1895, Henry J. Fuller 1895-1911.
Anna moved to a three room house at 1518 Jefferson Avenue, Ogden. Emma was the only child with them in Ogden. They had five lots so they could have fruit and a garden. Glenwood Park, later Lorin Farr Park, was near their home. Anna enjoyed going there. They were members of the Seventh Ward in Ogden. Anna's son William Stone and his family lived at 531 17th Street.
On the 19th of December 1907 Anna's husband, Jakob Bachman died of pneumonia.
Anna stayed in Ogden until July 1911 when she and her daughter Emma went to Oregon where her daughter Annie Inglis lived. Anna and Emma lived in Portland, Oregon until January 1913, when they moved to Los Angeles, California.
In Los Angeles they lived at the Bixel Apartments 616 Bixel Street, near Westlake Park. Anna enjoyed going to the Park. They attended church in a rented hall at 10th and Grand Avenue. Later a brick chapel was built at 153 West Adams. Joseph E. Robinson was President of the California Mission. Anna loved to go to church.
The 26th of May 1915, Anna' daughter Emma married George Scholl and moved to San Diego. So Anna also went to San Diego and rented an apartment. It was the year of the Fair and Anna enjoyed it very much. She also enjoyed attending church there.
In July 1916 Emma moved back to Los Angeles. So Anna went there again and spent the remaining five years of her life. She enjoyed Emma's first child, Audrey, and took long walks with her. She still went to church at 153 West Adams.
In January 1921 Anna became ill with bronchial pneumonia, Emma took care of her. Her daughter Annie and husband William Inglis also came from Oregon to be with her. She enjoyed having the missionaries come and sing for her. She loved music and could sing well. One day she said to Emma "Do you know the greatest regret I have?" Emma said, "No." She then said, "It is because I haven't done the Temple work for my dead ancestors." Emma said, "If you will help me when you go to the other world, I will try to do it." She was never unconscious during the three weeks she was ill. On the morning of February 1st, 1921, after speaking to her daughter Emma, she passed away peacefully. As Annie and William Inglis were not going to Utah funeral services were held at 153 West Adams.
Emma and Audrey her four year old daughter went to Utah on the train to take Anna's body. It was taken to the Larkin Mortuary at 24th and Adams Avenue, Ogden.
Sunday the 6th of February 1921, funeral services were held in the Eden Ward Chapel, George A. Fuller, Bishop. Her remains were laid to rest beside her husband, Jakob Bachman, in the family lot in Eden Cemetery.
Anna's daughter, Emma Bachman Scholl is the family Genealogist. Julius Billiter secured the records of 5,000 of her dead ancestors.
Anna Hegetschweiler Stone Bachman's descendants number 5 children, 17 grand children, and 36 great grand children in 1958.
Anna moved to a three room house at 1518 Jefferson Avenue, Ogden.
The Morrisite War was a skirmish between a Latter Day Saint sect known as the "Morrisites" and the Utah territorial government.
In 1857 Joseph Morris, an English convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah, reported receiving revelations naming him the Seventh Angel from the Book of Revelation. He wrote to Brigham Young, seeking recognition of his calling from the church.[1]
In 1860 Morris began to collect followers to a group that was commonly known as the Morrisites. In February 1861 John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff excommunicated him.[2] On April 6, 1861 he organized the Church of the Firstborn and called all of his followers to gather at Kingston (Kington) Fort, a 3-acre (12,000 m2) fort on the Weber River which had been abandoned in 1858.[3] By Fall 1861, the group contained several hundred followers.
Morris told his followers that the Second Coming was imminent and not to bother with planting crops. They may have trampled some of their crops into the ground as evidence of their faith. The group pooled available supplies and waited at Kingston Fort.Dissension
By spring 1862, food was scarce and some members were becoming discontented. Morris repeatedly designated certain days for the Second Coming, only to have those days pass uneventfully.Each time this happened, a handful of members would recover their possessions from the community pool and leave the congregation.
With the steady outflux of members, the question of property entitlement became contentious. Those who stayed behind felt those who left were taking better stock and other items than they had initially contributed to the community pool. Soon after three departing members — William Jones, one of Morris's first converts, John Jensen, and Lars C. Geertsen — vowed revenge after what they perceived as an unfair reckoning, they seized a load of wheat en route from Kingston to Kaysville for milling. The Morrisites sent a group of men after them, and the group soon captured the three and the wheat. The church held the men prisoner in a small cabin, to be "tried by the Lord when he came."[1]
Government Involvement
Geertsen soon escaped, but the other men's wives petitioned the territorial government for assistance. Word reached John F. Kinney, appointed two years earlier by James Buchanan as chief justice of the Utah Territory,[5] that the Morrisites were illegally holding prisoners. On May 24 he issued a writ of habeas corpus commanding the prisoners' release. U.S. Marshal Judson Stoddard brought the writ to Kingston Fort and read it to the Morrisite leaders, who refused to receive it.
Kingston Fort Siege
After the Morrisites dishonored a similar writ three weeks later, Chief Justice Kinney asked the acting governor to activate the territorial militia as a posse comitatus to arrest the Morrisite leaders.[4] On June 12 a two hundred man armed posse departed Salt Lake City for the fort, 30 miles (48 km) north.[2] Robert T. Burton, deputy U.S. Marshal, led the posse, which gathered strength along the way and was somewhere between five hundred[2] and a thousand[4] strong when it reached the settlement on June 13. By this time the Morrisites had barricaded themselves in the fort.
The posse positioned itself on bluffs southwest of the fort, with contingents on the flats to the east and the west. They situated cannons on two small ridges looking directly into the fort,[6] which in order to accommodate the hundreds of followers was really a makeshift enclosure. A militia from Ogden positioned itself to the north.
Burton sent a message via a Morrisite herdboy requesting the group's surrender within thirty minutes. As soon as he received the message, Morris left his associates and soon returned with a new revelation, promising his people the posse would be destroyed. He and his counselors had a bugle sounded to gather the congregation and read the revelation.
When the group did not respond within thirty minutes, Burton ordered two warning shots fired "to speed up the decision".[2] The second ball ricocheted off the ground and into the fort, killing two women and shattering the jaw of Mary Christoffersen. Some Morrisites returned the fire, killing 19-year-old Jared Smith of the posse, the only non-Morrisite casualty of the war.[7]
Heavy rains prevented much action the next day, June 14th. On June 15th, historians differ as to what initiated it,[1][4] but at some point Burton rode into the fort with a small contingent. Details of what followed are also unclear, but Morris may have made a statement to his followers and approached Burton in what was interpreted as a threatening manner.[1] Burton shot and killed him, and two women[2] were also killed in the resulting melee. Morris's counselor John Banks was mortally wounded. Burton took ninety men prisoner and marched them back to Salt Lake City the next morning to stand trial before Judge Kinney.
Seven of the Morrisites were convicted of second-degree murder in March 1863, and another 66 were convicted of resistance. However, Stephen S. Harding, the new federally-appointed territorial governor, pardoned them all[2] three days after the conviction. The Morrisites scattered across the west, but many of them ended up in Deer Lodge County, Montana.[1] A house of worship used by the Morrisites in Racetrack, Montana still stands though in some disrepair (46°17′19″N 112°44′58″W / 46.288592°N 112.749370°WCoordinates: 46°17′19″N 112°44′58″W / 46.288592°N 112.749370°W)Seven years later, Robert T. Burton was tried and acquitted for the murder of Isabella Bowman, one of the women killed after the siege.[2] Commemoration
A monument commemorating the Morrisite War was erected in South Weber, Utah by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Sons of Utah Pioneers, and AllBuild Construction and Landscaping. The text of the monument follows:
The Kington Fort-Morrisite War Site
This monument was placed here to commemorate a three day, little known battle that occurred 13, 14, and 15 June 1862.
The Kington (Kingston) Fort a 645 foot by 645 foot enclosure was built on this site in 1853 to protect the early settlers from possible Indian attacks. Since there were no Indian problems in South Weber, the fort was deserted in 1858.
In early 1862 the fort was taken over by Joseph Morris, an excommunicated member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, who had founded a church commonly known as the Morrisites. At one time the Morrisite fort population exceeded 200 men, women and children. In June 1862 three men, who no longer believed in Morris’ teachings, attempted to leave the fort. They were captured by a Morrisite posse and forcefully returned to the fort. Responding to a report by observers of this action, the sheriff and a small posse approached the fort with the intention of taking the men for a formal hearing on the charges of which they were accused. The request was denied and further attempts were blocked. As a result, acting governor Frank Fuller ordered a militia under the command of Robert T. Burton to proceed to the fort. Even this large, Heavily armed group failed to free the imprisoned men. A cannon ball fired into the fort killed two women and seriously wounded a teenage girl. as the army assaulted the fort and breached the gates, two militiamen were killed. in the ensuing confusion, Morris, his second in command, John Banks and two more women were killed. in all, eleven people died.
After the death of their leaders, the Morrisites scattered, with most going to Soda Springs, Idaho. Others settled in Carson City, Nevada and Deer Lodge, Montana. A few other members were rebaptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and remained in South Weber.
Erected by:
Daughters of Utah Pioneers-South Weber Chapter
Sons of Utah Pioneers-Ogden Pioneer Chapter
All Build Construction and Landscaping
Site by Douglas B. Stephens
1910 Ogden City Directory:
Hi, Emma's mother Anna Sidler Bachman died from Chronic bronchitis with old age and general weakness on Feburary 1st, 1921. I have enclosed a picture of where they were living at the time 624 N. Hobart Street, Los Angeles, CA.
What is Chronic Bronchitis?
Bronchitis is the inflammation of the lining of the airways, or bronchial tubes. When your airways are inflamed and/or infected, less air is able to flow to and from the lungs and you cough up heavy mucus or phlegm. There are two types of bronchitis: acute and chronic. A cute bronchitis can accompany a cold and clears up after a week or two.
A person with chronic bronchitis has a mucus-producing cough most days of the month, three months of a year for two years in a row without other underlying disease to explain the cough. After a long period of irritation:
Excess mucus is produced constantly
The lining of the airways becomes thickened
An irritating cough develops
Air flow may be hampered
The lungs become scarred
The airways then make an ideal breeding place for infections.
Chronic bronchitis doesn't strike suddenly. After a winter cold seems cured, you may continue to cough and produce large amounts of mucus for several weeks. Since people who get chronic bronchitis are often smokers, the cough is usually dismissed as only "smoker's cough."
As time goes on, colds become more damaging. Coughing and bringing up phlegm last longer after each cold. Without realizing it, you may begin to take this coughing and mucus production as a matter of course, all year long. Generally, the cough is worse in the morning and in damp, cold weather. You may cough up an ounce or more of yellow mucus each day. Kent
Here is the home at 624 N. Hobart Street, Los Angeles, CA:
Gravemarker, Eden, UT:
Research: Hello Kent, I have browsed through the book "Joseph Morris and the Saga of the Morrisites", by C. LeRoy Anderson, our call number BX 8680 .M64 A83 1988, and the only actual names mentioned of people killed were: Joseph Morris John Banks Mrs. Isabella Bowman (A charge of murder was brought against Robert T. Burton, the commander of the posse that attacked the Morrisites at Kingston Fort but the jury decided "not guilty") It also mentions a "Danish woman" as killed but does not name her. There was no mention of a child. Mary Christofferson was hit by a cannon ball and lost most of her lower jaw but survived. She was about 15 at the time, went on to marry Niels Anderson on July 30, 1863, had eight children, died at 83 in 1928, and was buried in Soda Springs, Idaho. Hope this was of some use. Best regards, Liz K. January 25, 2010 Kent, I have now noticed a mention of "John L. Bear, who lost his wife and child in the battle at Kingston Fort...". This sentence has a footnote as follows: John L. Bear, "The Autobiography of John L. Bear," Journal of History (Lamoni, Iowa: 1911-1912). There is only the one mention of John L. Bear and his wife's name is not revealed. I checked our catalog and we do not have this item from the footnote. I wonder if you could find it elsewhere? I did a Google search on Journal of History , Lamoni, Iowa, 1911-1912, which brought up a full text article but the actual mention of the Autobiography did not really go anywhere there. Perhaps the Special Collections at the University of Iowa could help with that. Best, Liz
September 24, 2010:
Thanks Kent. I enjoyed reading this. I don't think it is a great deal
different from the family stories we already have. A few new details in the
end. One puzzle still remains for me. I have heard that one of the women,
I thought it was Anna Sidler Baer, was hit in the face with the cannon ball,
but survived. I've seen a picture of such a woman, in an article from one
of those "frontier" type magazines, that said it was her. I've scowered my
files looking for that article and picture, but so far haven't come up with
it. Anyway, that suggest she wasn't killed. Maybe just the baby was. But
death records, and records of the time should be able to verify one or the
other of the two versions of the story.
Thanks for your hard and diligent work on this family,
Hi Kent,
This is Sara Lund who has contacted you before, I had just wanted to pass on a little bit of information.
I noticed in the awesome blog you made that on Anna Hegetschweilers tombstone they have the last name spelled Hegeschwyler , and I am not sure which spelling is correct, I was hoping you might know.
Also, I wanted to thank you again for interviewing Jay Bachman, It is really a treasure to have that recording of him as he passed away last Tuesday, so thank you so much he was a neat man and if it’s alright with you I will forward that blog to his children. Please let me know if that ok.
Thanks again,
Sara L
December 22, 1010
Hi Kent
It was quite difficult to find out about the Bachmanns in the 19th century
in Bottenwil and surroundings. There were so many. With the help of a
friendly official in the office, which is charge of registration for the
whole region, I could only find out that our two families have no link in
the 19 century.
Nevertheless it would be nice to keep contact and if you ever intend to
visit Bottenwil (and Switzerland) let me know.
I send you very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
Hans Rudolf Bachmann
St. Alban Ring 213
CH-4052 Basel
061 284 18 81
Hello Kent,
I am responding to your request regarding Robert T. Burton’s materials. His diary and other papers are located in the Church History Library in Salt Lake City. You can put his name in the search box of their online catalog (http://churchhistorycatalog.lds.org) to see what is available. After Janet Burton Seegmiller wrote “Be Kind to the Poor” the Life Story of Robert Taylor Burton, she donated her research materials to the Church History Library, which included his biography written by his children and reviewed by him, diary, and letters. There are also photographs of him in the Church History Library. You can contact the Church History Library in a variety of ways as indicated here (http://churchhistorycatalog.lds.org/primo_library/libweb/pages/general-contact.jsp). Janet is over the Special Collections at Southern Utah University; her contact information is here (http://www.suu.edu/faculty/seegmiller/).
Are you the Kent Gardiner who is a cousin of my wife LeAnn James Hunter, daughter of Hope Gardiner?
BYU has many photographs of pioneers and their papers as does Utah State University, the University of Utah, and Southern Utah University. It really depends on where family members donated the papers. Any photograph taken of the Hotel Utah between 1911 (when the hotel was completed) and 1927 (when Robert died) would show the hotel as it was while Robert was alive. Here are links to several good images below.
I used this story to illustrate how to handle disappointment in my talk at church a few weeks ago.
Anna (junior her mother’s name was Anna as well)’s life was nothing but Trials and disappointment. Some from choice some not:
o Growing up fatherless.
o Moving to a new country where you don’t speak the language
o Feet bleeding and all the trials that come from crossing the plains
o Joining a crazy cult
o Once in Utah finally getting a complete family and a new baby sister
§ They are blown away by a cannon from the government of your new country
o Your step father and most of those that speak your language move back to the homeland
o You work as a servant in the house of the man who fired the cannon. Learn the language and domestic skills.
o After all that you meet the love of your life and think that you can finally start your life. you have a baby and then your husband turns out to be a miserable drunk.
o You leave him, live with neighbors -there you learn how to care for babies and raise a family from them.
o Eventually you meet this guy (Jakob) who has 8 kids. You marry him and raise all of these kids.
o You start you new married life in a ONE bedroom Cabin - while getting bugged by Indians, the elements and everything else the frontier has to offer.
o You have 5 MORE kids move into better conditions raising the kids almost solo as your husband ekes out a living in the harsh conditions of northern Utah.
o You raise them in the church and teach them to have faith in God.
At the end of her life her only regret was not doing more temple work*.
That Takes a LOT of faith.
*One day shortly before she died Anna(Jr) said to Emma her youngest daughter "Do you know the greatest regret I have?" Emma said, "No." She then said, "It is because I haven't done the Temple work for my dead ancestors."
The context of Anna’s life helps explain to me the relationship between Elaine and Emma. There were a lot of disappointing males in Anna(jr.)’s life and the mother daughter relationships were VERY TIGHT.
We should update http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morrisite_War to include Anna(Sr.)’s name. right now it just says the cannon ball crashed “killing two women”
I want reparations.
Sealed to Samuel William Stones
Completed4 February 1865Endowment House
Sealed to Jacob Bachman
Completed27 April 1867Endowment HouseJacob Bachman
Sealed to Samuel William Stones
Completed4 February 1865Endowment House
Sealed to Jacob Bachman
Completed27 April 1867Endowment HouseJacob Bachman