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August Weinert
Weinert stands for wagoneer, wagon maker, Wagner, he made the wooden tyres aka tires.
Anna Heinrich, August's mother:
According to an 1868 letter August's mother sent to August's brother Johann Weinert there were four brothers and one sister in the family. They were: Johann born 28 May 1828, August born 17 January 1826, Jacob, unknown birth, who visited August in Nebraska, and may have immigrated to Australia and Andreas who stayed in Europe and farmed. The only daughter was Rosa Weinert who married a tailor Anton Freundt and wrote a letter to Johann. (1868 letter below)
In Nov. 1990 Don Weinert of Tulsa OK, sent a 54 page history of August's brother Johann Weinert 1828-1905 who, became an American Citizen, and was a tanner and had 9 children in Neustadt, Ontario, Canada with his wife Henrietta Magdanz, 1837-1923. The original is in the possession of Paul Weinert, Falls City, NE. Excerpt:
"Johann Weinert, (August's brother) was born May 28, 1828 in the small village of Rossel, East Prussia. He always spoke of himself as German, but when he was born Germany as we know it today did not exist. It was a vast conglomeration of kingdoms, principalities, grand duchy, dukedoms electorates and free states defined by the Congress of Vienna in 1814. The territory in which Johann Weinert was born was the most easterly of the German Federation. It bordered Russia on the east and Lithuania on the north. Today his birthplace is in Poland about 25 miles south of the border with Russia. The name of the town is now Retzel.
"Life in this part of the world at this time in history did not hold a happy future. Men were dragged off to serve in various warring armies, woman and children were raped or killed or both, agriculture was ruined by the constant wars, and people starved. There was also religious persecution, high taxes and civil disturbances. Life was miserable and dangerous for ordinary people and the New World beckoned invitingly.
"In 1828 Europe was recovering from the wars of Napoleon following his defeat at Waterloo in 1815. The German confederation was in a ferment for the next fifty years. Expansionist Prussia flowed east across Poland and attempted to make the possession of that land permanent by the resettlement of colonists from the heartland of Germany into the new territory of East Prussia. It is likely Johann Weinert's ancestors were part of this easterly movement of people.
"Little is known of Johann's German years. However, there is a touching letter from his mother written from Rossel in 1868. It is apparent from the letter that John was not a frequent writer. His mother mentions his brothers in the letter August, Jacob and Andreas. He named three of his nine sons by these names. At the time of the Mother's letter I believe that August had settled in Nebraska; Jacob was in Philadelphia; and Andres was still in Europe. She signs the letter "Ann Heinrich". That may be her maiden name or she may have remarried. We have never learned anything about his father."
Audrey Scholl Kroksh's paid for research on the Weinert's:
"August Weinert was born January 17, 1826 in Rossel aka Roessel aka Reszel, Prussia aka East Germany, to Johann Gerhard Weinert and Ann Heinrich Lasskowsky Weinert.) He may have been born Festenberg, Silesia, Prussia is now Twardogora, Poland. Johannn Gerhard Weinert born 21 Nov 1805, in Festenberg, married Anna 9th October 1830 in Festenberg. Anna was born 14 April 1807 same town. August was the first born in his home so when he decided to leave he left behind not only his parents but brothers and sisters, some of whom scattered to other parts of the world. (Note: Rossel is where August's mother wrote her letter from in 1868. Paul Weinert was told by his grandfather, Charles Weinert, who was August's son, that August was born in Rossel, Prussia in 1826.)
August, born 17 Jan 1826, Festenberg or Rossel, moved to Nebraska
Johann, born 24 Mar 1828, marriage 26 Mar 1858, Ontario, Canada
Jacob L, moved to Australia
Andreas, moved to New York
Rosa or Anna Rosina married Anton Freundt a tailor in Prussia
Marie Gertrud born 8 May 1838" (Source: Audrey Kroksh research)
August lived in Buffalo from at least 1852 to 1856. It appears he lived at 78 Bennett Street and was a cabinet maker. (see link below for details.) Most likely he traveled to Nebraska in 1859.
1852 August and Friedericke married, Buffalo, NY,
St. Peters German Evangelical Church, Buffalo, NY - Marriages 1848-1852
Transcribed by Jillaine Smith (jillainedc@yahoo.com)
Film: August Weinert and Fredericka Vander Schauf marriage 11 Sep 1852 film 007897464 page 27 rt side 1-2 way down
Beth Weinert, genealogist, wife of David Weinert whose grandparents were John and Anna Weinert:
"In 1842 at sixteen years of age August Weinert set sail from his home in Prussia for the United States of America to escape becoming a priest. By the age of thirteen his family was urging him to become a priest; also he wished to avoid the military service of the Prussian Army and, according to sources, there are clues that he did not get along with his step-mother. (If August's mother is writing him in 1868 how did he get a stepmother?) August ran away and embarked from Hamburg, Germany on what probably was a cargo ship heading for New York City, U.S.A
After landing in New York City, New York he eventually made his way to Buffalo, New York where he worked at odd jobs which included time as a stable boy, a job was much needed in that day.
On the 12th of October, 1832 Freerkje (Fredericka) van der Schaaf was born in Dokkum, Friesland, Netherlands to Jan Jans van der Schaaf and Jennetje Ruurds deJong van der Schaaf. History shows that the family had business reverses and lost their property. that is when friends persuaded them to come to America. The entire family (nine children) arrived in New York in 1849. The trip across the waters took six weeks in a sailboat. They first lived in Lancaster, then during the winter of 1849-50 moved and settled in Buffalo, New York area. It is recorded that Jan Jans was a cement-maker and timber merchant.
"August and Fredericka met and married in Buffalo, New York in 1852. There they started their family: Fannie, Jane and Anna. some records show Fannie being born in Buffalo and others Toronto, Canada. Jane was born in Toronto, Canada and Anna Buffalo.
"In late 1858 one source tells us, the men first migrated from the east to an area along the Missouri River 9 years before Nebraska was to become a state in 1867. Soon the woman and children would follow. Early settlers from the east "were of the best and bravest type of early pioneers. They were people who came to stay, and did stay, through storm and sunshine, through flood and draught. Neither failure of crops nor grasshoppers could force them to retreat." They established a small community and at first called their new town New Buffalo but later voted that it be call Arago, named for a French traveler and explorer, Dominique Francois Arago.
"The August Weinert family took a boat from St. Louis to Arago on the Missouri River, arriving in the hot summer of 1859. Besides being very hot the mosquitoes were very bad. there were no homes to be found like the already established ones along the eastern seashore. Their first home would be what was called a "dugout" in a hillside. Imagine that, if you can, with a small family. Winters were cold and blustery and it wasn't long till their third child, Anna, passed away. She wasn't yet three years of age. Fredericka said there were four families living in one cabin at one time. Chalk marks were used as partitions.
"August first worked as a farmhand in the community, hard work to be sure as there was only virgin land to be broken in the area. He was to establish himself as a carpenter and cabinet maker, and soon became very proficient in the trade. Over the years he was to build many houses and barns with barns, particularly, becoming his trademark. He built many of the barns in the area, stockpiling the rock for the foundations after bringing it from Missouri quarries over the frozen river; with his three sons, he cut and swed native lumber from the Missouri bluffs for framing.
"The first home of record in picture form looks to be a crude one, small, but undoubtedly a big improvement over a dugout in the hillside. The family continued to increase in number and in November of 1859 their fourth child, John was born to which they gave the name of Anna (again). Minnie was born in 1865; August in 1867, and then came a set of twins boiys in 1870 who lived only several hours. In 1873 another set of twins arrived; Louise and Willie. However, Willie died at the age of six months of summer complaints. Older sister Fannie took care of him and felt bad about his death. Louise was nursed by her mother but there wasn't enough milk for Willie. The four children who died at young ages are all buried in the Arago Cemetery, but the markings have not survived over the years, and with no one to look after them they are deemed lost. However, there are some family members who have a general idea where they should be in the Cemetery.
"After living and working in the area for 18 years, August was able to secure land northeast of Falls City, Nebraska (West of Arago), and there he and his sons built a beautiful large home and a big barn. Dates on the reverse side of the pictures were 1889 but the exact date of the construction is not known. From the picture the house looks large, and it was, but after visiting it we found the rooms to be exceptionally large and therefore not many of them. The outside was complete with a balcony, common during that time. Shutters beside the windows enhance the beauty of the home as well. Back of the home remains a deep, deep cave probably twice as deep as most known caves. This, of course was their "refrigeration) system which was quite efficient fo the day in which they lives.
The Weinert's attended ion Evangelical Church and Tabor Evangelical Church and Zion Evangelical Church after the Arago Church and parsonage was sold in 1873. Several of the family members were charter members since they were some of the first living there in that part of Nebraska. Neither one is standing today. Naturally they were the focal point of not only worship but social activities, as well. The German language was spoken everywhere in the area. however, August spoke English with the family and "slop bucket," a German/Dutch mix, with his wife Fredericka.
"It is clear that August was a gifted, creative individual and good craftsman. He undoubtedly loved working with wood. It is recorded that he built a farm house that belonged to Jerome Wiltse father of Clarence Wiltse who married Louise Weinert "in 1866-67 from cottonwood and walnut lumber in the rough from the mill, and made walnut doors, then used it to finish off several rooms." He acquired the help of one man for a year to help him plane the lumber and put it in place in the building. He also was a great craftsman of furniture, some pieces are known to remain: chest of drawers, an oval table made of walnut with leaf; and two doll beds. Undoubtedly there were numerous other items that he made that have long since been lost track of. It is recorded that he built the house they retired to in Falls City in 1896/7. It still stands today and is in good repair at 2009 Morton Street.
"Fredericka was a gifted person also in that she created beautiful pencil drawings of floral bouquets.
"It seems that when August and Fredericka retired in 1896 and moved to town Fannie Weinert and Fred Scholl and family moved into the farm house and were there when the picture was taken in 1889.
"August Weinert died at his home in Falls City 121 March 1898. Funeral services were held " from the house" on Sunday March 13 and from Zion church at 2:30 o'clock. He is buried in Zion Cemetery five miles east of Falls City. At that time it was the property surrounding the church.'
"Fredericka made her home, rotated among children and with daughter Fannie after August's death. We have been told that she always feared passing away in that home and the family wouldn't be able to carry her out because the doors were so narrow. Well, she did die there on Wednesday, August 1st, 1906 at one a.m., (newspaper report) which was indeed that home of her daughter, Fannie. Her death certificate records the time of day being 12:30 a.m. and the cause was "heart failure." the death certificate is signed by son John Weinert of Preston. she had been ailing for years but even then her death came suddenly and unexpectedly. In the evening she complained of being very tired and in the morning at one o'clock the Lord called her to Himself. the funeral was "from the residence of Fred Scholl," north of Falls City, Thursday, August 2nd, 1906 and she then was buried alongside August in Zion Cemetery five miles east of Falls City.
"It seems only fitting to close with a quote from Fifty Years in the Kansas Conference:
"Adjoining the Zion church is the old cemetery, where many of the loyal fathers and mothers lie buried, while their children and children's children meet from Sabbath to Sabbath to worship the God who so wonderfully saved and helped their parents during the years of their trials and victories." (Source: Beth Weinert)
August's mother's letter
This letter was translated from a letter written in old Germans script to Johann Weinert from his mother, Ann Heinrich. August was Johann's brother and there are references to August in the letter. A woman used her maiden name after she married at the time:
Roessel, 9 June 1868
Dear Son:
We have received your dear letter and after reading it I am greeting you from my heart and taking up a pen to answer you and visit you by writing a letter.
All of us are in good health, thank God, and we hope that this letter finds you in good health, too.
Dear Son, we are so happy that you remembered your home and family again after this long time. We were afraid that you were dead. I worried about you day and night and couldn't sleep.
August has also written a letter to us dated the second of June, 1868. He said that he is well. Last year big green grasshoppers destroyed his entire crop. He still lives in the same place and has seven children.
Jacob arrived at August's place to visit him. August didn't recognize him at first but then their joy at seeing one another was indescribably great. August is pleased to say that Jacob had grown up into a very cleever man, but he would not stay with him. He wants to emigrate to Australia. He is convinced he can make his fortune there.
Andreas is doing alright. He owns his own house and land and he is doing well. But last year his crops failed when the water flooded one elle (1/2 yard) over the grain so that they cut it standing knee high in water.
I wanted to go see them this summer together with sister but it was not possible this time. Now we hope to see them next summer if God wills it.
Dear son, you wrote that you had read of famine in our province, but it was not as bad as your newspaper said; it is not too bad in our area. But in the cities there has been anxiety and desperation and want. The rain destroyed everything because most of the grain didn't ripen. Most of the peas and potatoes were left in thje fields so as you can imagine the distress was very great.
Dear son, I have mad a will. I am bequeathing you 100 thalers half a year after my death. sister (nurse) will get 200 thalers. I took her into consideration because she is the only one who stood by me and has spent all her time with me. I hope you will not be offended by her getting more. Father will get the rest.
Other than that there is no special news. Wouldn't it be possible fgor you to write more often? You must be able to imagine how a mother worries.
When you were growing jin me you were heavy on my stomach, how you are pressing on my heart and my heart is heavy and I have no one to comfort me. We beg you please not to let us wait so long for a reply from you. From the bottom of my heart I greet you and kiss you many thousand times and I beg you to write again soon.
I remain your mother who will always love you.
All your friends send their greetings also father and mother.
Farewell again with all my heartfelt wishes for you and yours
Your loving mother....Ann Heinrich
Second letter from August's sister Rosa to Johann:
Dear Brother: (Johann)
I feel an urge to write you a few lines, too, to let you know a little about my present circumstances. As you probably have heard, I am married to a tailor, Anton Freundt.
(something missing here)
family the same dear brother. I would like to ask you a big favor and hope it is not in vain. Please be so good as to send me something to remember you by. The doll you have me got lost. When I write to you again I shall send you something, right now it is not possible.
I beg you to please write again soon for Mother's sake. She already has one food in the grave and there is nothing left to give her pleasure except a letter from you.
When she received the two letters (Johann's and August's) the joy an excitement made her sick. It is a duty to her that God demands of us.
Now I must close. We send greetings to you, to your dear wife and to your children.
Live happily until we met again--if not here then in eternity.
I remain your loving sister.........Rosa Freundt
Paul Weinert:
"August's son Charles says August came to America to avoid Prussian conscription. His brother told him this because he was in the Prussian Army.
He was a Catholic in Germany but joined the protestant faith when he came to America after his daughter went to a revival a mile outside Fargo, Nebraska. August came to Arago in 1858 and the family followed in 1859. Glen Weinert says August went from Buffalo to Dundee, IL to Arago, NE.
"August was a Nebraska volunteer during the Civil War. It was his job to guard the border between Nebraska and Missouris from the Missourian ruffians. He had a pistol and musket and uniform. In 1877 he built a large house in Falls City. away from the border. His musket was passed down through the family and is owned by Paul Weinert. August was an original signer of a petition to make Nebraska a state. He died at 72 years of age in 1898 in Falls City, Nebraska and is buried in the Zion Cemetery next to what used to be the Zion Church in Falls City.
"August's daughter Louise lived 1/2 mile east and 1/2 mile north from the Zion Cemetery. Aunt Minnie left her furniture there when she moved. Louise went through Minnie's stuff. When Minnie's stuff was shipped some stuff was missing. Charles was upset because Minnie said Charles could keep some of the items." (Source: Paul Weinert, 2010)
Scott Weinert:
"Arago was a port of entrance for may pioneers who came up the Missouri River on steamers. It was settled in 1858 by a size-able group of people from Buffalo, NY, most of German descent. They had formed the German colonization Society for the purpose of buying land on some western river for a home. The first 12 settlers landed at Arago on July 4, 1858. some of the land was purchased from Stephen Story who had founded St. Stephens in 1855. It was the first town in RichardsonCounty to be incorporated by an act of the Legislature on January 10th, 1860. The population grew to as many as 400-500. When the railroad was built on the Missouri side of the river, steamboat commerce almost ceased and many businesses moved to Falls City in the 1880-s. Many laborers had moved to farms and buildings. Many laborers had moved to farms and buildings in Falls Ciity. For some reason when the post office was discontinued at Arago and moved west a few miles, the name Arago went with it, while the village of Arago became known as Fargo or "old Arago". there was a post office at Arago from 1862 to 1903 and one at Fargo "old Arago" from 1895 to 1913. Many descendants of the original Arago settlers still reside in Arago Precinct. "
August's land:
Deed of conveyance (W.D.) from German Colonization Society of Buffalo, N.Y. to August Weinert, recorded October 10, 1860 for the following lots in Fargo or Arago:
Lot 16, Block 32 (Wood-Lot in S.E. Part of platted area) (Lost to river)
Lot 16, block 100 (On main street, now present road west 2nd block west fo corner presently, from Charles Weinert description, likely where they lived
Lot 7, Block 115 (block south and block west, other good possibilty of where they lived, Lessing street)
Lot 11, Block 90 (Corner of 4th and Weiland, 3 blocks west of sawmill, on bottom, lots to river)
Lot 15, Block 97 (Across from Franklin Park, quarter of a mile North, on Paris street)
Lot 1, Block 131 (7th and Nebraska)
Lot 12, Block 165 (By West Market Square and across the stgreet from West garden area, quarter of a mile west of what became remaining town site)
Lot 20, Block 184 (13th and Nebraska, in West Garden area)
Price paid for total was $90. Lots were 50 by 200 feet. Each lot thus was .23 of an acre. Sawmill was extreme NE corner of townsite and around 3000 feet from river. The river eventually cut back and into the bluff and much of the townsite was lots.
August and Fredericka Weinert purchased from E.S. Towle and C.F. Walther 13 August 1877 for $1300 a 120 acre farm located , W 1/2 of NE 1/4 and N 1/2 of SE 1/4 Section 15-2-17 (Arago Township. Mortgage carried by sellers. Frederick Weinert sold 97A to Frederick Scholl and Wife Fannie W 1/2 of NE 1/4 and N 1/2 of SE 1/4 less 3A off west side. The N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 had been sold to Fred Zimmerman.
In June 1895 August and Fredericka Weinert purchased lots 5,6,7 and 8 in block 4 of Falls City for $1230. sold to a man named Barrett by Fredericka Weinert June 5, 1900. House at 2009 Morton is located on lots S 1/4 of 6, 7, 8. Lot 9 was added later. Owned and lived in by Doug and Betty Merz. N 1/2 of 6, 5, and S 1/2 of 4 is where Duane Duey lives. 2017 Morton.
What happened to their children?
1. Fannie Weinert 15 May 1853 - 1 Jun 1922
2. Jennie Weinert (Jane) 31 Jan 1855 - 31 Oct 1942
3. Anna 1 Weinert 1857 - 1860
4. John Weinert 4 Nov 1859 - 17 Oct 1925
6. Anna 2 Weinert 25 Aug 1863 - 24 Nov 1935
6. Minnie Weinert 16 May 1865 - 28 Feb 1946
7. August Weinert 25 Mar 1867 - 22 Sep 1932
8. Twin Boy One Weinert 1870 - 1870
9. Twin Boy Two Weinert 1870 - 1870
10. Willie Weinert 1873 - 1873
11. Louise Weinert 8 Jan 1873 - 31 Oct 1957
August Timeline:
1826 born in Festenberg, East Prussia (East Germany is Slavic)
1842 Sailed from Hamburg, age 16-17
1852 married in Buffalo, age 26
1852 Brother Johann sailed for Philadelphia, met by Jacob and brother
Johann gets citizenship in Philadelphia
1853 Fanny born in Buffalo, N.Y., age 27
1855 Jane born in Toronto, Canada, age 29
1857 Anna born and died
1858 Moved to Arago, Nebraska
1859 John first boy born in Arago, age 33
1861 Charles born in Arago, NE, age 35
1863 Anna II born Arago, Ne age 37
1865 Minnie born Arago, Ne, age 39
1867 August born Arago, age 41
Twin boys died Arago, NE
Grasshoppers destroy their entire crop. (Source: August's mother)
1873 Louise/twin willie born Arago, Willie died at birth, age 47
1898 August died Falls City, NE, age 72
1905 Brother John died in Canada
1907 Brother Jacob tried to contact August by letter.
Meanings of names:
Weinert stands for wagoneer, wagon maker, Wagner, he made the wooden tyres.
Laskowsky is indeed polish, it means a guy coming from the village Laskow in Poland.
Peschke is a slawish family name, it means Peter.
August's Birth Research
Documents related to August Weinert:
August's parents may have been born in Twardogora:
No documents have been located thus far.
August's parents may have been born in Twardogora:
No documents have been located thus far.
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Twardogóra (German Festenberg) is a
city in the Powiat Oleśnicki (Oelser District)
in the Polish Lower Silesia Voivodeship.
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From Twardogora to Hamburg is a 423 mile trip which August Weinert took at age 16. |
Reszel [ˈrɛʂɛl] (
listen) (German: Rößel; Prussian: Resel or Resl) is a town in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, in northeastern Poland. As of 2012 the population was 4,896. A small medieval town situated in the historical Warmia region, Reszel possesses many architecturally-renowned monuments and various attractions. The gothic castle, the main square and the core surrounded by brick defense walls are very popular among incoming tourists.

The municipal website for Reszel.
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Rosell or Roessel, Prussia or Germany or Poland. |
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August was baptized in St. Peter's in Rosell |
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August Weinert marriage 11 Sep 1852 film 007897464 page 27 rt side 1/2 way down St. Peters German Evangelical Church, Buffalo, NY - Marriages 1848-1852 |
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After the dugout the Weinert's lived in this cabin in Arago, NE. The person in this photo may be John Weinert |
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Johann's marriage record with place of birth and names of his parents. |

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August's rifle used to guard against the "Missouri ruffians." |
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August's rifle used to guard against the "Missouri ruffians." |
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1860 Nebraska Territorial Census |

Lot 16, Block 32 (Wood-Lot in S.E. Part of platted area) (Lost to river)
Lot 16, block 100 (On main street, now present road west 2nd block west fo corner presently, from Charles Weinert description, likely where they lived
Lot 7, Block 115 (block south and block west, other good possibilty of where they lived, lessing street)
Lot 11, Block 90 (Corner of 4th and Weiland, 3 blocks west of sawmill, on bottom, lots to river)
Lot 15, Block 97 (Across from Franklin Park, quarter of a mile North, on Paris street)
Lot 1, Block 131 (7th and Nebraska)
Lot 12, Block 165 (By West Market Square and across the stgreet from West garden area, quarter of a mile west of what became remaining town site)
Lot 20, Block 184 (13th and Nebraska, in West Garden area)

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Irving Wiltse Home built in a year for Jerome Wiltse by August Weinert |
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1868 August's signature on Nebraska's statehood document |
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When August arrived in Nebraska there were Indian tribes
living in the area. (Source: postcard)
The Nemaha Half-Breed Reservation was established by the Fourth Treaty of Prairie du Chien of 1830, which set aside a tract of land for the mixed-ancestry descendants of French-Canadian trappers and women of the Oto, Iowa, and Omaha, as well as the Yankton and Santee Sioux tribes.
Located in part of the Indian Territory, which was later in the Nebraska Territory and then the state of Nebraska, the tract's eastern border was the Missouri River. The reservation extended west for 10 miles (16 km). The north/south borders were between the Little Nemaha River to the north and the Great Nemaha River, near Falls City to the south.
By 1833 approximately 200 half-breeds lived on the designated land. It was not until 1854 that Congress authorized the reservation and the government established an eligibility list of potential landowners. By 1858 the list had 445 names of people eligible to receive 320 acres each. By then, however, non-Indian squatters occupied almost half the land and the government did not evict them. When allotments were finalized on September 10, 1860, each eligible person received 314 acres.
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1896 Arago Township close up showing the location of August and Fredericka's property as well as their neighbors, Scholl, Becker, Suess and Zimmerman (Philip Scholl's sister) families. |
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Modern day map showing points of interest in the Arago/Fall City Area |
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Owned by August and Fredericka |
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Table constructed by August Weinert |
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Hand made doll bed by August Weinert |
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August's doll bed in use |
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Bureau made by August Weinert |
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August Weinert |
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1880 Fredericka's granddaughter Lizzy kept an autograph book. This is the cover. |
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Fredericka's entry in Lizzy's autograph book. This and the letter below shows that Frederick spoke and wrote in english. |
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English translation of August's entry in Lizzie's autograph book |

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Barn interior build by August Weinert |
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Interior of August's barn, note no nails were used in it's construction |
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Large pieces of timber held together with dowel. |
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Back of barn |
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August and Fredericka's home. The little lip, bottom center, is the entrance to the cellar. |
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Cellar |
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2010 August's home in disrepair |
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2018 Exterior of August and Fredericka's home |
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Fredericka and August Weinert portrait |
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This is the church August and Frederick's family attended. In fact they very well could be in this photograph. |
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1880-1881 August and Frederick's names on the church rolls. Fredericka was also known as Barbara. |
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August and Fredericka's home in Falls City which was built by August and where he retired, photo taken in 2009 |
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Book: A Genealogical and Psychological Memoir of Philippe Maton Wiltsee and His Descendants by Jerome Wiltse, published in MCMVIII, 1908 An absolutely amazing book. |

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Zion Cemetery which sits across the street from what used to be Zion Evangelical Church where the Weinert family attended church. |
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Zion cemetery grave marker for
August and Fredericka, located
across the street where they
used to attend church
The following Weinert's are buried in the same cemetery:
Rosa A Weinert Bletscher 1886-1972
Alice Katherine Speers Weinert 1917-2009
August Weinert 1826-1898
Charles Weinert 1861-1941
Donna Lee Sickel Weinert 1930-2005
Pvt Franklin H. Weinert 1920-1944
Fredericka Vander Schaaff 1832-1906
Rev Glenn Carl Weinert 1914-2005
Harold Weinert 1901-1982
Henry Christopher Weinert 1889-1963
James Lowell Weinert 1952-1952
Jeanette Elaine Plumer Weinert 1921-2013
Martha Marie Bletscher Weinert 1889-1977
Mary Voegelein Weinert 1863-1938
Verena Malcolm Weinert 1907-1969
Anna Marie Weinert Yoesel 1917-1996